Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Incognito turkey for Thanksgiving Day

The tsunami of deliverables for work, plus lots of activities for the Cub and Boy Scouts, has kept me very busy lately, but Space Detective is progressing: I'm closing in on 40K words. I would have reached that mark this past weekend, but a 10-speed bike fell on my nose from its rack in the garage, broke my glasses, and gave me a heck of a bruise and headache. Providence alone kept me from worse pain and worse.

Meanwhile, here's a seasonal drawing from several years ago. When I worked as Content Director for, I provided occasional illustrations for their eCards. This one, done in pen and ink and colored pencils, was meant for Thanksgiving. A caption was meant to accompany it, but I've forgotten what it was.

Anyway, enjoy, and have a great Thanksgiving holiday!